Developing top quality riders of all ages at every level

Beginner-Intermediate Lessons
For riders from no experience up to learning to jump cross-rails.
Riders have access to a selection of provided lesson horses.
Our beginner lesson philosophy is centered around balanced riding, thus, beginner riders learning to walk, trot, and canter are started off riding bareback
Intermediate riders are introduced to riding in a hunt seat english saddle
Riders in our lesson program receive top quality instruction from hunter jumper trainers
Hunter Jumper Lessons
For riders jumping above cross-rails.
This lesson program is available to riders wishing to lease a horse suitable for their skill level. Riders who own their own mount receive instruction under a full training package.
See training page for more details.
Lessons at this level are offered 5 days a week: Tuesday - Saturday. We design a custom program for each rider.
Weekly lessons typically progress from flatwork to gymnastics continuing on to course work